155: Ways To Design With Confidence.

I’m going to be honest with you. 

I think you’re getting overwhelmed with your re-design and re-decorating because you’re not trusting your choices. You’re overthinking and everything is taking forever to do.

When you first get that design inspiration, it’s exciting and you’re so ready for it. 

But what happens when things get delayed or family commitments take up more of your time?

What happens when you’ve already made a hundred decisions around the rest of the house and you just don’t want to make any more?

What happens when you start doom-scrolling on Pinterest for too long?

You get overwhelmed, over faced, and quite frankly, over it.

And that’s when you start to question your choices. You question what you like, and what will work in your room.

So here are some simple things you can do to avoid the questioning and feel more confident:

1. Spend some time finding your signature style

If you find yourself repeatedly pinning the same kind of pictures on Pinterest, or you have some Instagram home accounts that you love - I want you to take a closer look at them. What do they have in common? And what is it about that style that makes you want to see more? 

This likely is where you’ll find your personal style and once you’ve identified it, you can start to bring it into your own house.
There are loads of different design styles, I know,  but think of it like choosing a pair of trousers. 

You might want those chic, straight-leg, French girl jeans. But on you, even though you like them, they don’t feel right and you don’t feel comfortable. And then you put on a pair of wide-leg, floaty trousers and you feel amazing. Chic in your own way and you’re confident now.

It’s the same with your home - it’s about finding the design that fits you, not the other way around.

Once you can identify the things that feel like you, it’ll be so much easier to find the right colours and furnishings and you’ll select them with confidence. 

2. Consider the practicalities and function of the room.

What is the purpose of the room? 

Do you want to relax? Do you want to have a space for socialising? Do you need it to work for a family?

Knowing what you’re setting out to create makes it easier to decide what to put in it. Social spaces need good seating arrangements, a family room might need practical storage, and choose colors that calm you if you want to relax.

When you’re creating a mood or a vibe, it’ll help you choose the right lighting and textures if you know what you want to achieve. If you’ve got small children or pets you can eliminate anything that isn’t practical to clean. 

Understanding and prioritising your needs will keep you on the straight and narrow when it comes to decision-making.

3. Use visual aids

Draw the picture, make a mood board, create an inspiration board too, and keep coming back to it. Houses aren’t built from memory, there are blueprints and floor plans to keep everything in check and built correctly. So why are we trying to decorate without that?

I like to draw the room completely to see my vision but even if you just make a mood board of fabric swatches and paint colours with a couple of inspirational images alongside it, that helps. 

Refer back to your board for everything you think you want to buy or choose. It’ll help you feel more confident in your vision and ensure that the things you consider buying tie into it.

4. Make a list

This one’s easy if you don’t know where to start. Sit down and make a list of everything you need to do and everything you need to buy to get the room completed. Then put it in chronological order.

Voila! Your action plan is in place. Stick to that, you won’t go wrong and it will really help you keep within budget.

Yes, I know that sometimes things throw up more problems or strange surprises and you end up chasing your tail but if that happens, just amend your list. Keep it in an order that makes sense and I promise you, you’ll feel so much less stressed as you just tick things off bit by bit.

5. Get a second opinion.

You don’t need loads of opinions, because that can cause you to lose confidence and start questioning yourself - too many cooks and all…

But it can help to have just one person to talk to about your ideas and plans and to problem solve with.

Someone to make sense of what you want.

Last week I was working on a room design and as I worked, I knew that these ideas weren’t really mine. They were my clients.

We talked a lot about the kind of design she likes and the kind of feeling she wants to create in the space. I just took her ideas and offered some clarity around them. I’m now giving her a visual representation of her design choices, which allows her to feel reassured that the room going to look great and work for her lifestyle.

When you can’t see the wood for the trees, that’s when you stall. So having someone to ask advice from and talk about your plans with can make all the difference.

With this client, once she’s completely happy with the scheme, we’ll start to make that action list together. She’ll have the support she needs to feel confident implementing the design and at the end of it there will be a space that works perfectly for her.

So, if you’re lacking a bit of confidence when it comes to redecorating, give these tips a go - and if you think you might like a little bit of a supportive confidence boost along the way, why not book a call with me, I might just be able to help.


155:Reasons to build a den.


155: Colours of the Year.